





The Guisado Group follows an easy to remember, 3 step process any one can use to sell. Use this process for whatever it is you sell. The process works anytime. It has three simple steps:3 step sales process

STEP 1 – Pain – The first step of the sales process is called pain.  Many refer to the pain step as the “Identifying a prospect’s needs” step.  Others refer to it as the “Gathering customer requirements” step.  Whatever you call it, your prospect must have enough pain to be willing (and motivated) to buy whatever it is you’re selling.

“How can I help you? “or “What were you hoping I could do for you?” are good questions to ask your prospect to help you quantify how much pain they are in. You only proceed to the next step in the process once enough pain has been identified.

How does the salesperson determine if their prospect has a sufficient amount of pain to be motivated enough to buy what they’re selling? How much pain is enough? When can you proceed to the next step of the sales process?

Only through experience will you know when your prospect is in enough pain to be able to progress to the next step in the sales process, money.

STEP 2 – Money – The second step in the sales process is called money.  It is when you identify that the budget exists and is available for the prospect to buy what it is you are selling. Once you determine your prospect has enough pain, you can then determine if they have enough money to spend in order to get rid of their pain.

This step is sometimes money 1referred to as the “determining budget” step. Whatever it’s called, it’s the most important step of the process.

Statements like “Share with me the amount of money you’ve budgeted for your project.” or In round numbers, share with me what you expect to spend?” are both good, nonthreatening statements most prospects are willing to answer. Is spending the money under their control? Do other people or does a different department control the budget?

Without enough money to buy what you’re selling it’s pointless to go any further in the sales process. Once you determine there is enough money available and the prospect has the authority  needed to spend the money, you can then proceed to the last step in the sales process, decision.

STEP 3 – Decision  – The final step of the sales process is called decision.  After determining that  your prospect has enough pain and  has enough money available, you determine if they can make the decision, to spend the money, to fix the pain.

Red decision diceHow will they be making the decision? Will they side by themselves or will the decision be made by a committee? Who exactly will be  involved?

Statements like, “Will you be making this decision alone or will you be getting help with making this decision?” are good ways to broach this subject with your prospect. Will recommendations be made to a ultimate decision-maker?

Maybe you should be talking to them. Identify who exactly is the ultimate decision-maker?  Will the decision be made by a committee?  Is there a deadline or time frame associated with making the decision?

conclusionConlyConclusion: This sales process has three simple steps.  The cycle time for an overall process instance will range from hours to months.

During the first step you identify the prospect’s needs, their pain.  What problem do your product or solution solve?  What need does your product fulfill? During the second step of the process you validate if the prospect can make a decision to buy.

Validate (and quantify) that they have enough money and where the budgeted funds will come from to buy what you’re selling.  Also, understand the customer’s procurement process, any one involved in making the decision and any impending deadlines  which will influence their decision making process.

Imagine the selling process as a submarine having three airtight compartments. You don’t leave the first compartment (step one) until it’s completely flooded with water (enough pain has been identified). Once the door is closed  you don’t go back in. This is the main reason you need to make sure you have enough pain identified.

This is the same with the second and third compartments. Instead of pain, you will be understanding money and decision. Learn the best questions to ask which will help you identify your prospect’s pain, budget and decision making process. You’ll need to practice until this sales process becomes second nature to you. Try not to get frustrated. Remember, is selling was easy, everyone would be doing it.